My tweets for 2010-05-27
My tweets for 2010-05-26: – The Internet Marketing Handbook is on its way to the Printing…
DetailsMy tweets for 2010-05-26: – The Internet Marketing Handbook is on its way to the Printing…
DetailsFinally, I was able to put things together. When you have so many things in mind and so many things to do, it’s very hard to find time and concretize a single book. I believe this is why there are only a few authors. Writing these ideas down is a form of discipline. And it…
DetailsTHERE’S no denying that the world has evolved swiftly. The old rules have changed and it happened without a warning.
DetailsFinished signing the SEC papers for Professional Speakers Association of the Phipippines, Inc. 🙂
DetailsMaynilad seems join the Internet rush # Maynilad seems join the Internet rush: After my motivational speaking and training at NYK-TDG… # My tweets for 2010-05-24: – My tweets for 2010-05-23: – My tweets for 2010-05-22: – My tweets… # Maynilad seems to have joined the Internet rush: After my motivational speaking…
DetailsAfter my motivational speaking and training at NYK-TDG Maritime Academy, I’m happy to get my real Maynilad Billing Statement. I’m happy to know early morning that “some people from Maynilad” visited my office to check my billing problem. But what’s even more interesting is that Mark Isaiah David, Head, External Communications, Corporate Affairs & Public Relations of Maynilad Water Services, Inc.,…
DetailsMy tweets for 2010-05-23: – My tweets for 2010-05-22: – My tweets for 2010-05-21: – My tweets… # The hottest Sunday Mass I had in 10 years… Literally sweating while playing the church organ… Whew! # At 15,280 words or a total of 120 pages, I'll stop and continue writing The Internet Marketing Handbook…
DetailsMy tweets for 2010-05-22: – My tweets for 2010-05-21: – My tweets for 2010-05-20: – My tweets… # Motivational Speaker on Ariva Event for Secretaries # Motivational Speaker on Ariva Event for Secretaries: I got an email today and I feel like… # To watch Shrek, the final chapter… # Last two…
DetailsLadies and gentlemen: Email is not dead—yet. Many have jumped in to Social Networks as a medium of marketing and promotions. And why not? Which technology has installed a U.S. President? The public may probably reply: Social Networks. Wrong. Take it from me. It’s wrong. The real answer is email. Without an email address, how…
DetailsI got an email today and I feel like sharing it because it made my day! Hi Sir Lloyd! First and foremost, belated Happy 28th Birthday! Thank you for being such a nice person! You made my life easier at the backstage. [Yes, i was the one manning the backstage during the last two Ariva! events…