This morning, I gave an interview to Nicky Acuna, a business adminstration (with accounting) major from the University of the Philippines in Diliman. He asked me about my work as a CEO (Chief Executive Officer).
Well, being a Chief Executive Officer (and owner of my own business) under the age of 30, it’s an honor for me to invest my time sharing my experiences, wisdom, and ideas in the hope that they, too, can get an inspiration from my life’s journey to entrepreneurship. Like perhaps some of those who started with very little, I think it’s always an exciting feeling to allow these students to conduct an interview face to face.
I make sure to accommodate these students, researchers, and media people because I want to get my message across. I think the more people hear my story, the better.
Nicky wrote in our guestbook, “Thanks for accommodating me given a very short notice. I truly learned a lot from the words of wisdom that you have shared with me.”
And then shortly after that, I went to Creative Center for n informal meeting with an account executive of Private Iris. Czari Flores is her name. I found out she’s also into writing. Her mother has been convincing her to write a book on “How To Get Higher Grades.” I said my publishing company can help her do that.
She wrote in our guestbook, “Nice to meet you, Mr. Lloyd. I’ve been searching online for Internet Marketing seminar. Hope you could inform me when you have seminar workshop again. And I hope I could read your book! Looking forward to that “See you next time.”
Lastly, students from Miriam College also did an interview at around 7 p.m. It was fun and I learned that it’s for their thesis. The subject is about being an infopreneur, which I’m sure I am. There’s a video that I’ll post maybe tomorrow (and the pictures, too!)
In this interview, I simply answered questions about Internet marketing. As an infopreneur, I felt obliged to not just warn but guide aspiring entrepreneurs who are too excited to join the Internet marketing business. I think there are also bubbles in this industry.
I made it clear that Internet marketing isn’t really as easy as it looks like. People should learn about the principles so that when technology changes, they can still go on without major scratches.
In between of course were phone calls left and right. And I got a very good business proposal for the coming elections. shown unto the world the might and the versatility of filipinos in whatever genres and field of linguistic competence