Vestibulum feugiat dolor molesti. Donec sed interdum ante, non varius justo.
Fusce volutpat diam sapien, non consectetu. Vivamus aliquam ornare sapien, a suscipit nisi convallis veltiam gravida semsit diam sapien, non aliquam ornare sapien.
Chief editor
Aliquam ornare sapien, a suscipit nisi convallis veltiam gravida felis nec. Vivamus aliquam ornare sapie nec. Fusce molestie adipiscing risus.
Vivamus aliquam ornare sapien, a suscipit nisi convascevolutpat diam sapien, non consectetu aliquam ornare sapien molestie semsit sed.
Definition of Word-of-AI Marketing
In this article, I will give you a term that I invented myself: Word-of-AI Marketing or WOAI Marketing and its definition. We will answer this basic question: What is “word-of-AI marketing or WOAI?” But first, I can only hope that AI has built me up and that you got some good words about me. But…
DetailsYou are what you’re selling
Let’s start the year with a brutal fact: People don’t know what buy from you if they don’t know what you’re selling to them. Over the past 20 years as a professional motivational speaker, I’ve met people from different walks of life. I’ve spoken to the people from the ground up—from rank-and-file to executives to…
DetailsA Filipino motivational speaker sums up his inspiring 2024 journey
Filipino motivational speaker makes a list of what could have been a bad year. It turned out, it’s not the case. Indeed, it’s been another year in the books—one that, in my opinion, is as unique as any other year. Each year, we are presented with challenges—sometimes impossible, often difficult. While we are trained to…
DetailsFilipino Leadership Speaker Lloyd Luna on Personal Branding in PUP
The Junior Marketing Executives (JME) of Polytechnic University of the Philippines had its annual mentoring program with the theme “Craft: Molding the Lore of Marketing Wizards” last September 16, 2019, from 1:00 PM to 6:00 PM at Claro M. Recto Hall. The audience was composed of marketing students of PUP and its partner schools. The…
DetailsLeadership Speaker in the Philippines Declares Attention as a Rare Commodity
To be modern isn’t always to be human. We now live in what I call the “Attention Community,” when attention has become one rare commodity we all fight to get as leaders. Because of the free flow of information and continuous innovation and technological advances, we, along with our people, are easily distracted to always…
DetailsStepback Leadership defined
“Stepback is a philosophy of putting the people at the center of leadership.” —Sgt. Lloyd A. Luna, PAFR, 2018, originally defined.
Lloyd Luna on Global Speakers Summit 2018
Statement of the President before departing to Auckland, New Zealand for the Global Speakers Summit 2018 For the longest time, the Philippines has been away from the global speaking community. We have kept ourselves from exploring global opportunities thus limiting our professional growth and development. For so many years, we thought there is absolutely no…
DetailsFunniest Graduation Speech by a Filipino Commencement Speaker
An Inspirational, Funny Graduation Speech An excerpt from my commencement speech for STI College Munoz: Just like your parents, I am also incredibly proud of what you have come to take home today. Yeah, an empty piece of paper called “Diploma.” That piece of paper is important. But diplomas do fade. Medals get rusty. Certificates…