Love has always been a double-edged sword. It makes us either happy or sad at a particular time and space. We believe in love, mostly the fairy tale part of it, that brings us to a page that writes, “And they live happily ever after.”
Regardless, one truth would always remain the same: All of us won’t escape the realities and mysteries—good or bad—that go with being in love.
We fall in love and we fall out of it, yes, for both rational and irrational reasons. Often, we compose and lose ourselves in the process. We become stronger, hopefully, but only after the heart is broken into pieces and dream is shattered.
At some point, many of us have a fair share of loving and hating and finding and losing. We’ve destroyed ourselves only to realize we’re starting a new life after a terrible breakup, oh, only to begin again without any guarantee that it will be better the next time around.
True enough, the heart that was once ruined would beat again and again. If we’re lucky, we’d make a better relationship with only a few scratches. Otherwise, we’d spend our life with agony, pain, and regret—again!
This book neither intends to lecture you about love and loving, nor show you how to have a long and lasting relationship. Instead, it only hopes to make you understand love in the surprisingly coolest sense using the most unique language in a form of a canvas. Many books have been written about love and relationships. This book isn’t one of them. You’ll soon know why.
Finally, I think many relationships don’t make sense as it happens. But in the end, whatever the ending would be like, it will all make sense.
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