Facebook Marketing
Lloyd A. Luna
President and CEO, LLOYDLUNA Corporation
Internet Marketing and Social Media Consultant
November 23, 2011 | SMX Convention Center

About the event:
Facebook Marketing Plus is a session for corporate and business people who’d like to understand deeply the ins and outs of social media, the challenges they pose in the area of corporate branding, sales, marketing, customer service, and social responsibility, and the opportunities to create a community of Internet enthusiasts.
Exposure and presence on social media such as Facebook isn’t enough to achieve something noteworthy in the cyber space. Creating strategy is therefore necessary. The process involves understanding fan or customer behavior, engagement pattern, and following or creating trend.
Reasons for putting your business on Facebook
People on Facebook
- More than 800 million active users
- More than 50% of active users log on to Facebook in any given day
- Average user has 130 friends
Activity on Facebook
- More than 900 million objects that people interact with (pages, groups, events and community pages)
- Average user is connected to 80 community pages, groups and events
- On average, more than 250 million photos are uploaded per day
- Average Facebook User Spends 55 Minutes Per Day; Other advertising or marketing media only give you about 3 to 5- second attention window
Nearly 200,000 Sites Using Facebook Connect
Having your own Facebook Login and Facebook Comment Box, for example, integrated in your website
Facebook Fan Box
Facebook Fan Box, a simple tool for enabling your website visitors, YouTube video watchers, or email newsletter recipients to become a fan of your brand—without even having to go to Facebook.
Only 4% of Pages Have 10,000 or More Fans
It’s always better to have a smaller crowd that is targeted than a larger crowd who have nothing to do with you or your product.
Posts on your Wall
A Mix of Relevant Contents including photos, links, and videos can impact your popularity
Customized News Feed
Facebook’s recent move to an algorithm-driven news feed means that just because someone is your fan does not mean he will see your Wall posts or status updates (true for both individuals and brands). Instead, the default news feed is now comprised of content that Facebook thinks you’ll like, based on your interactions with content from that author in the past, and interactions by your friends with that content. This puts a tremendous premium on posting engaging content that will get comments and likes and shares. If you’re not paying attention to your content engagement scores within your Facebook analytics, start doing so now, and testing content types to see what works best for your brand.
Real-time Search Changes the Game
Facebook is now making most content available publicly, unless you tell them not to via your privacy settings. Twitter opened their data stream to anyone (not just big developers). Google and Bing are incorporating this data into search results, in real time. This has tremendous implications for search engine optimization and reputation management, because a negative status update about your brand might now show up on the first page of Google search results for your company name (at least temporarily). The shakeout is still happening, but someone in your company needs to be on top of real-time search. Today.
What is Facebook?
Facebook, the product, is made up of core site functions and applications. Fundamental features to the experience on Facebook are a person’s Home page and Profile. The Home page includes News Feed, a personalized feed of his or her friends updates. The Profile displays information about the individual he or she has chosen to share, including interests, education and work background and contact information. Facebook also includes core applications – Photos, Events, Videos, Groups, and Pages – that let people connect and share in rich and engaging ways. Additionally, people can communicate with one another through Chat, personal messages, Wall posts, Pokes, or Status Updates.
What happens when you are not on Facebook?
- People will talk about you or your brand and you’ll be the last person to know what they say about you.
- Your competitors will be there and the places you behind them.
Facebook in Building, Sustaining, or Developing Your Brand
- (Listening) Feedback mechanism
- (Speaking Up) Responses
- (Forum) Community engagement
Why build your own community in Facebook
- Cost-effective way to build a community
- Easiest and fastest way to target your market
- The best way to learn more about you and your brand
How to build a community using Facebook
- The vision and what you are about
- Strategy based on desired output
- An effective mix of activities like games and raffles
- Integrate your Like page in your websites
Customer Service using Facebook
- Always check your Like page; one you’re on, anyone can post anything anytime they want on your Wall; If it’s detrimental, then people will see it.
- Your fans expect you to address their concern instantly. It’s like a reception in your office. There should be a person in that station.
- Engage but don’t sell real hard. Facebook is a personal experience so you have to make the conversation personal, too, and simply consider the public a spectator.
- Under-promise and over-deliver. Don’t give a word that can be taken against you or your company. Remember, they can always screen-capture, post the photo on their Wall, and tag you!
How to sell without selling in Facebook
- Identify (or assume) your fans’ needs (and reasons why they “Liked” your page)
- Posts solutions (as if hints how to solve) to their problems leading to your product or service, without dropping your products name.
What to do with Facebook comments about your brand
- Respond in a very, very personal manner. While you are in a public space, you will need to take the comment personal.
- Assess both the opportunity and threat that go with the comment. Is it going to hurt your brand or will you make something out of it?
- Mention the name of the person who inquired by using “@” before you type the name. You do this so that your answer can appear on her Wall.
- If there’s a good comment, reply and reward the person in forms of say, gift certificate
- If there’s a bad comment, apologize at once and tell them what you’re doing to address their concern.
About the speaker
LLOYD ABRIA LUNA is an international motivational speaker, business and career consultant, television host, and social entrepreneur. He is the author of Is There A Job Waiting For You?, The Obvious Reasons for Success, Why Am I Working?, Alphabet of Achievement, The Internet Marketing Handbook, and Why Good People Fail. He is President and CEO of LLOYDLUNA Corporation, Campus Paper Publishing Corp., and Superfood Makers International. His inspirational books has brought him to various speaking engagements in Thailand, South Korea, Malaysia, Vietnam, Brunei, and Singapore. He lives in Makati City, Philippines.
Dear Mr. Luna,
I attended the Facebook Marketing Plus training last Nov. 23 at SMX however due to an urgent matter at the office I had to leave and very unfortunately missed your pm lectures. We are really interested to launch a fb page for our company based on the principles you have already taught in the morning session.
So because I missed the pm session where I was hoping to actually learn how to construct the page, may I so kindly ask if you can email or send me information or if possible the pm lecture that I missed so I can do our fb page?
I will be very grateful for your reply.
Jojo Duenas
Galing nyo po!