My tweets for 2010-05-12

Richard and Jaye on your screen # Richard and Jaye on your screen: On Friday, Creative Business with Lloyd Luna resumes. I will… # Message: Create Your World # Message: Create Your World: Thanks! My 28th birthday means "Create Your World." In the last… #

My tweets for 2010-05-11

My tweets for 2010-05-10: – My tweets for 2010-05-09: – Going home to personally greet my mom… # Overwhelming problems with PCOS machines # Overwhelming problems with PCOS machines: As early as this morning when we opened GNN The… # 2010 Philippines Elections Results Website # 2010 Philippines Elections Results Website:…

My tweets for 2010-05-10

My tweets for 2010-05-09: – Going home to personally greet my mom (and bring something). I… # 2010 Philippine Election Live Stream: LLOYDLUNA suggests that you also read: – Corporate… # On my way to GNN studio to anchor The Vote 2010; Live election coverage on Destiny Ch. 21. Live stream at…

My tweets for 2010-05-08

My tweets for 2010-05-07: – Twitter Updates for 2010-05-06: – Twitter Updates for 2010-05-05… # My tweets for 2010-05-07: – Twitter Updates for 2010-05-06: – Twitter Updates for 2010-05-05… # Live 2010 Election Coverage GNN Anchor: This morning, I attended a briefing for GNN Special… # Finished my Internet marketing weekly training…

My tweets for 2010-05-07

Twitter Updates for 2010-05-06: – Twitter Updates for 2010-05-05: – I uploaded a YouTube… # Off to the briefing for GNN Election Coverage Anchors at Global Destiny Studios… # Wonderful GNN election anchors' briefing led by Destiny Cable Pres. Philip Chien, who gave a sort of encouragement and inspiring speech. #

My tweets for 2010-05-07

Twitter Updates for 2010-05-06: – Twitter Updates for 2010-05-05: – I uploaded a YouTube… # Off to the briefing for GNN Election Coverage Anchors at Global Destiny Studios… # Wonderful GNN election anchors' briefing led by Destiny Cable Pres. Philip Chien, who gave a sort of encouragement and inspiring speech. #

My tweets for 2010-05-06

Twitter Updates for 2010-05-05: – I uploaded a YouTube video — …: I uploaded a YouTube video… # And then I got a call: I want to order 3M t-shirts (1M for each color). My goodness! Too l-a-t-e to produce… # Negotiated to deliver 500,000 election t-shirts only… and succeeded at that… # Excited…

My tweets for 2010-05-05

I uploaded a YouTube video — …: I uploaded a YouTube video — Internet Marketing Seminar… # I uploaded a YouTube video — …: I uploaded a YouTube video — Filipino Internet Marketing… # I uploaded a YouTube video — …: I uploaded a YouTube video — Motivational Speaker and… # Wondering…